
Showing posts from 2019

OpenMoonstone v0.2 released

OpenMoonstone is a open source reimplementation of Moonstone: A Hard Day's Knight following along the lines of projects like OpenTTD and OpenXcom. You can try it out This release is a milestone as it contains the same number of features as the original demo that came out on the Amiga.  Why reimplement an old game? Fixing bugs Original OpenMoonstone v0.2 Enemies always face the player in Moonstone, in the original this meant that for the AI controlled knights, the distance the knight would move was out of sync with the animation causing a "jumpy" animation. Adding New Features I've added the ability for four players to fight at once. The amiga only had two controller ports so was restricted to two players, as a child I always wanted a three way battle with my brothers and adding additional entities in an ECS is easy once it's all set up. As a side project It's hard to stay motivated when worki...